An uncontacted tribe
Screen, sound, projection, 20:03 min
An uncontacted tribe is an experimental film that undertakes a ritual journey to endangered faunas combining dance, 3D graphic animation, and sound. Following the concept of the “Transboundary protected area “, the DMZ (the Korean Demilitarised Zone between South Korea and North Korea) becomes an “unexpected paradise” for endangered animals. The shaman is possessed by the spirit of a red-crowned crane, a central symbol in Korean culture. The spirit invites us on a magical flight to experience unexplored territory beyond our physical limits. There is a documentation of the original installation which combined the film with large paper cuts.

About Hanna Noh

Hanna Noh is an interdisciplinary artist and filmmaker living and working in Germany. Noh’s multidisciplinary art practice combines media art, film, and performance. She explores the blurred boundaries between the mental and the physical, the virtual and the material.
Noh creates digital objects combining them with real objects used in performances thus reflecting her academic training both in Fine Arts and Media.
Most recent works include “Internal Other” (2019) and “An Uncontacted Tribe” (2022) both venturing into the realm of the supernatural where the soul encounters the human body and the animal spirit.
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